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Call for registration for the "Research Incubator" support program for young researchers

  • NEWS

Center for Development Evaluations and Social Research - BELIEVE announces a call for registration of the second generation of participants of the "Research Incubator" program, which it implements within its InQuire Evidence2Policy Hub. The goal of this program is to support research in the social sciences, and enable young researchers to develop the skills to develop methodologically valid research project proposals, the implementation of which should result in findings that are relevant for the discussion and adoption of better laws, policies and programs in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Research Incubator is a support program for post-graduate students from universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as other researchers, where through a series of practical workshops, participants gain practical knowledge about research methodology in the field of social sciences and work on their own project proposal. As a result of the program, each participant will have a detailed research proposal, which they can use for their master's/doctoral studies and/or for applying to calls for research funding. Participants who are selected to participate in the Research Incubator program will, in addition to a series of workshops, receive access to data in the Data Archive of Social Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina - DASS-BiH, access to professional literature, access to databases of research questions relevant to policy making in BiH ( Research Question Bank) which are defined through CREDI's cooperation with institutions and international organizations, access to software and other tools for research (such as microsimulation models), training in specific research methods adapted to the needs of participants, the possibility of engaging professors from the world's leading universities as advisors ( co-mentor).

The research incubator is part of the InQuire network, through which participants, in addition to support in designing research proposals, will have the opportunity to establish cooperation with institutions and donors as potential users of their research results during the implementation of the program itself. Finally, participants will have the opportunity to use other resources of the CREDI Center, including help in collecting data in the field, and the possibility of additional engagement in other CREDI projects for all interested candidates. The support program was implemented for the first time in the first half of 2021 and the work with the first generation of participants was successfully completed, which you can find more information about at

We hereby invite all interested candidates to fill out the registration form in order to be invited to the Open Day, which will be organized online on October 13, 2021. 15:00-16:00, during which we plan to present the entire program, how to apply, the scholarship program, and give interested candidates the opportunity to ask questions.

The registration form can be found at the following link:

For all additional information you can visit the website: or contact us by e-mail: or to phone number 033/205-859.


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